today was busy. i decided to get the undone done and was pretty successful. I was wondering what pretty thing to add for today and seeing as i spent all day doing the undone with my crazy kid, I have decided to make Violet todays pretty. Maybe sappy, mom sentiment, but anyhow, introducing pretty VIOLET.......
ok, now to get real. The nice thing about choosing to post a picture of my pretty girl is that there were definitely not nice moments in our "get stuff done day". Like when we were leaving the Co-op after me saying no to a popsicle...(after her having talked me into a lollipop, 2 rubber monkey finger puppets, and new tangerine coloured nail polish) and having her scream "I HATE YOU AND I"M NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN!!!!" This unfortunately shortly there after empty sentiment was followed by wracking, sympathy getting from onlooker sobs. It's amazing how many people look like they are bleeding from their overflowing hearts when they see my sweet and pretty daughter throwing a full blown temper tantrum in a store, like I've just snuck off to the stores bathroom and beaten her.... So here's to finding the pretty in Violet after storming home from the co-op, groceries, rubber monkey puppets and screaming child in tow.
Before I had kids I was that woman who looked at mothers in public and thought "get a hold of your child lady". Then when Rowan was born and was just a wee innocent thing, I thought "How could anyone make a child cry... there is just no need in this world for that". Now I look at mothers with crying children and I want to go over and hug them and tell them it will all be ok... the mothers I mean. The kids can handle themselves. People have absolutely no clue generally what led up to the scene... it drives me nuts when you get the "look" from strangers :)Funny though, how when they finally go to sleep at night you can look at them and forget how they made you insane just a few hours before.
ReplyDeleteI have totally been there. I had to carry the Wee Beast out of the Co-op, kicking and screaming while I got dirty looks from bystanders. I wanted to tell them to mind their business. Expletives involved. I held back.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you found the pretty in the day, Fiona. When I have had a rough day, there is nothing like looking at my girl, kissing her soft squishy cheeks and breathing in the smell of her hair to remind me what is really the important thing. She can drive me completely insane but always reminds me that she is the best thing I have ever done.